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Increased market volatility, supplier uncertainty, and raw material costs have historically combined to yield some form of innovative adoption moving forward. This year has proven to be no different, in fact, in many ways, has increased the speed at which change has been comprehensively integrated and targeted.

Circular supply chains are the future of logistical implementations. Creating a continuous loop within your supply chain will allow for efficient and faster movement along with a decrease in overhead and total associated costs.

A seamless and effective circular supply chain decreases the need for excessive procedural implementation while mitigating any extenuating risks accrued from outsourced parties. This supply chain loop also allows for lower spending levels with stable and predictive price metrics.

In addition, circular supply chains create less waste when compared to their legacy systems. A better means for recycled material will help to soften the blow of any preconceived or forthcoming governing regulations. Not to mention the incentivized programs offering kickbacks for companies with a solid waste management process.

The Circular Supply Chain Model

What exactly does a circular supply chain model look like?

As a general rule, the supply chain has structurally remained the same over time:

Raw materials come in, are manufactured into a common good, distributed to consumers, and the scraps are thrown away.

Enter the circular supply chain:

Raw materials come in, are manufactured into a common good, distributed to consumers, except now the scraps are recycled and reused.

Instead of this generational “linear” supply chain approach, companies are beginning to adopt the more environmentally responsible circular supply chain model.

While the initial investment of securing a circular approach may be hefty, the long term return is priceless.

Increase Your Profit Margin and Scale Your Business

While the initial approach of a circular supply chain seems to put the environmental factors above all, the overall goal includes much more than this.

Companies using this cyclical approach get an exhaustive use out of their raw materials thus maximizing their initial material investment. Instead of throwing away excess materials at the end of production, companies now have the ability to turn “waste” into even more profit.

The cost base analysis comes out better when companies have the option to reuse pre-existing materials than deploying more capital for new shipments.

Price Volatility Protection

Planning your budget for raw materials can pose countless issues due to constant market fluctuations and price volatility.

By reusing pre-existing materials, you essentially remove the need for continued material sourcing. This makes budgeting for the foreseeable future an accurate prediction.

Now, anticipatory costs are based on current amounts used and excess materials recycled.

The Circular Supply Chains of the Future

“One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.”

This cliché begins to make a little more sense when it’s your companies junk turned into treasure and increased money and energy savings.

Profitable companies are always looking for ways to reduce excess expenditure and increase in-house output. Circular supply chains take care of this.

With environmental agencies looking over your shoulder, now is as good of a time as ever to begin implementing processes to mitigate wasteful business practices.


At CLN Worldwide we know you are the kind of person who wants to scale your business with a simplified supply chain. In order to do this, and get time back in your day, you need a customized logistics strategy.

The problem is governing regulations, the economy, and environmental issues aren’t always clear, which makes you feel overwhelmed and unorganized.

We believe your business’s lack of supply chain optimization could lead to stagnant growth and a decline in potential profits. We understand that supply chains and logistics management can be a complex and daunting task to undertake. That’s why we developed fluid strategies and customized services that removes the nuanced guess work and solves your logistics clogs.

Most companies transporting internationally face reoccurring logistics problems. At CLN Worldwide, our management service coordinates the entire supply chain and solves transportation and regulatory challenges. We allow you to focus on your business.

We are a passionate group of professionals with expertise in areas ranging from transportation, Customs, compliance, to distribution, legal, and finance.

Logistics can be a labyrinth. One question leads to three others. Our team will help you through the maze.

As a cross-functional team of logistics experts, we help clients navigate areas of transportation. Our focus is not on an individual product group or service offering but rather a comprehensive approach to effectively managing and optimizing the supply chain.

However, CLN offers a complete range of end-to-end logistics services.

Our services are customized and tailored to meet the specific requirements of our clients.

CLN Worldwide


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