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While inclusive automation seems to be rapidly overcompensating for human inadequacies in the supply chain industry, the need for cognitive intervention remains – with indefinite viability.

Warehousing demands continue to rise with the expansion of current businesses and the inevitable addition of emerging businesses entering the market on a daily basis. The increase in retail demand conjunctively increases the need for a faster, more efficient warehousing work flow.

Enter robotics.

“Let’s say this upfront: humans are not going away in the warehouse. Yes, automation is changing the landscape and for good reason. There simply is no way humans can (without the aid of automated processes) continue effectively supporting the exponential growth of warehousing. Large e-commerce sites and other mega-marketplaces have forevermore disrupted the practices of legacy warehouses in which a person ambles down an aisle, picking sheet in hand, pulls an item from a shelf and moves it to packing and shipping.” [Rob DeStefano, Senior Product Marketing Manager at Ivanti Supply Chain]

The ongoing debate between human versus artificial intelligence may be counterintuitive and in fact, built on inadequate interpretation. Perhaps the analysis should not rest solely on finding one option, but rather, combining the two.

The progression of supply chain management evolves once efficient and productive codependence between machine and human is fully integrated. Controlled cost, faster pick and pack, and decreased injury claims are among the immediate benefits of this predictive partnership.

“Warehousing will benefit from combining the efficiency and time-savings of robotic picking with human strategic thinking to drive businesses forward.” [Rob DeStefano, Senior Product marketing Manager at Ivanti Supply Chain]

Overall logistics of a general supply chain can benefit immeasurably when structural alterations are effectively made to the warehousing sector, especially when considering the continued rise in eCommerce and increased demands on warehouse employees.

Technological advancements are updating regularly bringing streamlined efficiency to international freight forwarders on a daily basis. Blending robotics and human intelligence in a strategic manner can heighten the collective output on a grand scale. Dismissing this collaboration could cost a distribution company in the long run.

If you have any questions on the technology used at CLN Worldwide, or need more information on how to properly increase the efficiency of your current supply chain, feel free to reach out to us today for a free consultation.

CLN Worldwide


#topsupplychainmanagementcompanies #supplychainmanagement #supplychain #robotics #ArtificialIntelligence #machinelearning

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