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“Scientist who assess the planet’s health see indisputable evidence that Earth has been getting warmer, in some cases rapidly. Most believe that human activity, in particular the burning of fossil fuels and the resulting buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, have influenced this warming trend. In the past decade scientists have documented record-high average annual surface temperatures and have been observing other signs of change all over the planet: in the distribution of ice, and in the salinity, levels, and temperatures of the oceans.” [Daniel Glick via The Big Thaw – National Geographic]

Glacier research, in respect to climate change, has been a viable outlet allowing scientists and students alike the opportunity to gather insightful data providing observable variations in year-over-year climate analysis. CLN recently had the privilege to oversee the transportation and movement of glacier ice and project management for a notable university extracting and importing ice from a glacier in Cusco, Peru. Understanding the temperature sensitivity and fragility of the commodity, while taking a hands-on approach to the oversight of movement, proved essential to the overall success of the collective project.

The Process in a Linear Glance

  • Planning and design phase: University and CLN communicated to devise a plan to remove and ship glacial ice in both an economical and efficient manner.

  • Team from university sent off to Peru.

  • Team hiked 4,000 meters up and camped at previously set destinations.

  • Team harvested ice samples.

  • Team secured ice and hiked 4,000 meters back down.

  • CLN scheduled for a reefer (refrigerated container set at -20 degrees Celsius) to be waiting for ground transportation of glacial ice in Cusco: Cusco is located in the southern region of Peru. Historically known as being the head of the former Incan Empire.

  • 2-day trip from Cusco to Lima.

  • Ice inspected in Lima.

  • Reefer container re-loaded and delivered to port of origin in Lima, Peru.

  • Container cleared customs.

  • Delivered to an American university.

  • Continued research on climate change.

Of course, the aforementioned is a generalization and oversimplification of the process in its entirety. The shipment and management of the commodity and the underlying logistical transportation took roughly three months from start to completion. A methodical shipment requiring thorough documentation and industry knowledge conjunctively resulted in scientific advancement as it relates to climate research. Networking, communicating, and working together provided the frame work necessary to complete such a sensitive and meticulous project. If you or your business have any complicated shipment projects coming up, feel free to reach out to us HERE.

#Glacierice #climatechange #projectmanagement #temperaturecontrolled #logistics

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