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In a prior statement made to Focus Media Group for an article released in their Business in Focus section, David Sitton, CLN Worldwide CEO and Co-Founder went on record to state, “We are fixers of the international logistics world. Unravelling problems entails finding solutions for stuck shipments, products halted for violating the terms of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), serious production delays due to supplier facility closures, and an abundance of other calamities. Our growth is fueled by our commitment to solve clients’ problems and ensure that their businesses continue to operate unimpeded by the logistics challenges that they face.” A Tough Act to Follow

Late December 2018 came with no exception for urgency in the logistics problem solver department issued by retail giant Nordstrom. The CLN Worldwide Operations Team was contacted to assist on a last-minute package that needed to be delivered to the United Kingdom from Charlotte, North Carolina in five days to arrive before Christmas as previously promised. Due to CLN’s customizable and adaptable services provided, the package made the deadline in plenty of time. “When I contacted CLN we were almost in a panic to have a package delivered to the UK before Christmas. Due to an oversight on our part we had less than a week to get our customer’s packages to the UK. We attempted to resolve this ourselves with no success. Once I contacted CLN I knew we were in good hands. Woody and team acted quickly to coordinate not only getting the packages on a flight but also arranged a courier in the UK to deliver the packages to the recipient’s residence so they would have their gifts prior to Christmas. Without the help of CLN our reputation would be permanently tarnished with our customer. We can’t say thank you enough for resolving our mistake and saving Christmas for our valued customer.” -Leslie Mathews, Nordstrom

Being in the business of removing obstacles for clients directly effects the ever-evolving need for creative solutions and strategic planning on a daily basis. Back in the early 2000’s, the West Coast port went on strike, stopping imports. CLN restructured procedures and efficiently re-routed trade lanes to utilize the Gulf and East Coast to maintain client import flow and decrease any unwarranted blockages from prior routes used.

Then, later in 2010, Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano produced several eruptions. Volcanic ash posed an immediate threat to air crafts, which in turn caused major issues for all encompassing European air traffic. CLN Worldwide again found alternate routes, thus enabling trade to continue as before.

Unforeseen circumstances are inevitable in the world of logistics and supply chain management. Providing solutions to complex problems is essential to the growth of any business. If you have questions about how your international imports or exports can be streamlined, re-worked, or generally tweaked for efficiency, then reach out to us today for a free consult.

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