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Prior to the year 2020, companies were beginning to discuss the topic of adopting innovation and technological implementation within their respective supply chains. However, 2020 has only sped up this collective integrative process.

Enter the digital age of Zoom led corporate meetings and baby showers, and the digital age of supply chain optimization. Not only has technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning been forced to the front, but an entire narrative supporting “no-touch” models has been interjected in and around executive decision maker topics.

Touching less seems only fitting in our new world of pandemics and a heightened awareness level regarding germs. Nevertheless, let’s dive a bit deeper into what a supply chain managed using the no-touch model would look like, and why leading Fortune 50 companies are adopting this exact model.

In short, no-touch supply chains offer an optimized and efficient management of a company’s entire supply chain, end-to-end, while simultaneously partnering as a managed approach to global logistics. Freeing up time to focus on top level tasks and business scalability.

The Building Blocks of a No-Touch Supply Chain

The foundation of a successful no-touch model must be built utilizing a set of uncompromised components.

Those five components are as follows:

  • Detailed analytics

  • Transparent tracking via application or dashboard

  • Granular data

  • Standardized procedures

  • Decisive culture

To reap the benefits of removing a comprehensive hands on approach to your logistics and supply chain department, your company needs to understanding the necessity of tightened structure warranting the increase in visibility and overall transparency.

In other words, with increased technological advancements, comes an increased need in rigorous procedural implementation.

Removing the Human Error

The debate between human and machine continues. However, I think we can all agree that humans will remain conditional to the flow of transportation in order to oversee automation and show the wherewithal to make conscionable decisions based on cognitive capacity.

“To fill these technology gaps, companies will need the ability to experiment with innovative processes and new solutions without disrupting their day-to-day operations. That calls for a two-speed IT architecture, building a fast “test-and-learn” environment (suitable for rapid prototyping and iterative development) on top of the company’s current technology base. An agile development methodology with weekly (or even daily) releases allows new approaches to be developed rapidly. Once new solutions are refined and proven, they can be migrated to the traditional architecture with a focus on repeatable and reliable service delivery.” [McKinsey]

Building the right foundation for a no-touch supply chain management protocol is only half started with automation implementation.

Fully investing in the infrastructure needed for augmented intelligence and no-touch management is needed for operational efficiency. Redesigns, applications, machine learning software, and advanced data reported through granular metrics are requirements moving forward. Requirements that can come in a pre-packaged partnership given the right International Transportation Management team.

CLN offers a proprietary international logistics management platform that gives companies the controls but removes the operational burden of chasing order and problems.

A no-touch model as a service (NTaaS).

Advantages of a No-Touch Supply Chain Model

While the perks of a no-touch model driven supply chain seems obvious, allow us to list what this can actually mean to you and your business:

  • Hardwired processes as a business model

  • Top tier focus on business scalability

  • Decreased need for weekly and monthly reports

  • Machine learning algorithms to continue optimizing reporting and operations

  • Better and quicker decision making

  • Increased profits through transportation mitigation

The above alone could warrant massive year over year profit increases, and this is only the beginning. Most adaptations are still in the beta phase.


CLN fully understands the nuances involved in regulatory, compliance, governing sanctions, finance, and international trade. Having the ability to essentially “outsource” an entire logistics department to a high quality and reputable team of supply chain experts yields immediate and unmatched returns.

Logistics can be a labyrinth. One question leads to three others. Our team will help you through the maze.

As a cross-functional team of logistics experts, we help clients navigate areas of transportation. Our focus is not on an individual product group or service offering but rather a comprehensive approach to effectively managing and optimizing the supply chain.

However, CLN offers a complete range of end-to-end logistics services.

Our services are customized and tailored to meet the specific requirements of our clients.

Our Single Source Proprietary No-Touch Management System provides the structure and support to drive industry leading performance and results from each of our service areas.

Most companies transporting internationally face reoccurring logistics problems. At CLN Worldwide, our management service coordinates the entire supply chain and solves transportation and regulatory challenges. We allow you to focus on your business.

Do you have more questions? Reach out to us today to schedule a free demo. We look forward to working with you.

CLN Worldwide

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